The following is the current weekly schedule. This schedule is subject to change and will be frequently updated throughout the semester. The latest deadlines may also be found on Canvas.
Week 01
Tue 08/20 Lecture
Thu 08/22 Lecture
Fri 08/23 Labs
- Attendance Mandatory
- Setup Guides
- TextFileStemmer
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Lab Requirements
- Due: Quiz: Course Syllabus
- Due: Piazza Setup
- 08/26: Add Deadline
Week 02
Tue 08/27 Lecture
Thu 08/29 Lecture
Fri 08/30 Labs
- Attendance Mandatory
- SimpleJsonWriter
- Project 1
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Lab Requirements
- Due: TextFileStemmer
Week 03
Tue 09/03 Lecture
Thu 09/05 Lecture
- Object Oriented Programming
- Quiz: Instances
- Quiz: Members
- Quiz: Mutability 1
- Quiz: Mutability 2
- CS 212-01 Lecture
- CS 212-02 Lecture
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Data Structures
Fri 09/06 Labs
- Attendance Mandatory
- ArgumentParser
- Project 1
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: SimpleJsonWriter
- Drop Deadline*
Week 04
Tue 09/10 Lecture
Thu 09/12 Lecture
- Nested Classes
- Generics
- Inheritance
- Quiz: Inheritance Terminology
- Quiz: Casting
- CS 212-01 Lecture
- CS 212-02 Lecture
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Instances
- Due: Members
- Due: Mutability 1
- Due: Mutability 2
Week 05
Tue 09/17 Lecture
- Java Features
- Lambda Expressions
- Lambda Expressions
- Quiz: Java Features
- Project 2 Partial Search
- CS 212-01 Lecture
- CS 212-02 Lecture
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Final Keyword
- Due: Collections Revisited
Thu 09/19 Lecture
- Streams - Introduction
- Streams - Pipelines
- Stream Pipelines
- Quiz: Lambda Expressions
- Quiz: Streams
- CS 212-01 Lecture
- CS 212-02 Lecture
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Inheritance Terminology
- Due: Casting
Fri 09/20 Labs
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: WordIndex
- Due: Quiz: Java Features
- Due: Quiz: Lambda Expressions
- Due: Quiz: Streams
- Due: Project 1 Tests
Week 06
Tue 09/24 Lecture
Thu 09/26 Lecture
Week 07
Tue 10/01 Lecture
Thu 10/03 Lecture
Fri 10/04 Labs
Week 08
Thu 10/10 Lecture
Week 09
Tue 10/15 NO CLASS
- Fall Break (No Class)
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: CS Event 1
- Due: Piazza Participation 1
- Due: Thread Basics
Week 10
Tue 10/22 Lecture
- Assignments Due FRIDAY!
- Web Basics (43:42)
- Quiz: Web Basics
- Quiz: HTTP
- Alumni Interview: Anaelia Ovalle (22:29)
Dates and Deadlines
- Sophie @ IEEEVIS
Thu 10/24 Lecture
- Assignments Due FRIDAY!
- Regular Expressions (43:59)
- Regular Expressions
- Quiz: Regex Basics
- Alumni Interview: Helen Chen (17:03)
- Alumni Interview: Courtni Wong (10:20)
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Work Queues
- Sophie @ IEEEVIS
Fri 10/25 Labs
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: PrimeFinder
- Due: Web Basics
- Due: HTTP
- Due: Regex Basics
- Due: Anaelia Ovalle (22:29)
- Due: Helen Chen (17:03)
- Due: Courtni Wong (10:20)
Week 11
Tue 10/29 Lecture
Thu 10/31 Lecture
Dates and Deadlines
Week 12
Tue 11/05 Lecture
Thu 11/07 Lecture
Week 13
Tue 11/12 Lecture
- Database Accounts
- Relational Databases
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- SQL Introduction
- CS 212-01 Lecture
- CS 212-02 Lecture
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: Jetty
Thu 11/14 Lecture
Week 14
Tue 11/19 Lecture
- Exam 2
Thu 11/21 Lecture
- Exam 2 Retake
Week 15
Tue 11/26 Lecture
Thu 11/28 NO CLASS
- Thanksgiving Recess (No Class)
Fri 11/29 NO CLASS
- Thanksgiving Recess (No Class)
Dates and Deadlines
Week 16
Tue 12/03 Lecture
- Jetty and JDBC
- Course Survey (Informal)
- Course Evaluations (BLUE)
- CS 212-01 Lecture
- CS 212-02 Lecture
Dates and Deadlines
Thu 12/05 NO CLASS
- End of Semester (No Class)
- CS Night (Optional)
Dates and Deadlines
- Due: CS Event 2
- Due: Piazza Participation 2
Dates and Deadlines